About the Journal


ISSN 2224-5227



National academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the founder of 8 scientific journals:


  1. “Bulletin of NAS RK” - chief editor, academician M.Zh. Zhurinov.
  2. “Reports of NAS RK” - chief editor, academician M.Zh. Zhurinov.
  3. “News of NAS RK. Series of chemistry and technology” - chief editor, academician M.Zh. Zhurinov.
  4. “News of NAS RK. Series of biology and medicine” - chief editor, academician Zh.A. Arzykulov.
  5. “News of NAS RK. Physico-mathematical series” - chief editor, academician G.M. Mutanov.
  6. “News of NAS RK. Series of geology and engineering sciences” - chief editor, academician Zh.M. Adilov.
  7. “News of NAS RK. Series of social and humanities” - chief editor, academician S.Zh. Praliyev.
  8. “News of NAS RK. Series of agrarian sciences” - chief editor, academician T.I. Yespolov.


Put out scientific journals as far back in the sixties and seventies of the last century, along with other Soviet journals entered in the International Register of top-rated scientific journals and are still available in large national libraries of 73 foreign countries - theUSA, theUK,Germany, France,Japanand others. These journals are published in accordance with international standards and are the face of science inKazakhstan.

Journal editors are leading scientists of Kazakhstan, the editorial boards of the journals include academicians and corresponding members not only of Kazakhstan, but also of all the CIS countries, as well as outstanding foreign scientists.

Journals publish messages of the academicians of NAS RK, as well as articles from other scientists, presented by actual members of NAS RK (academician of NAS RK), responsible for the accuracy and relevance of research results and the relevance of the scientific content of the recommended works. Articles in journals are double-blind peer reviewed. Full list of reviewers is published on the websites of journals.

The journals of NAS RK publish scientific articles and notes, express messages on the results of research in various fields of natural, technical and social sciences. Submitted for publication materials contain the results of original research on topical problems in physics, mathematics, mechanics, computer science, biology, medicine, geology, chemistry, ecology, social and humanities, not previously published, and not intended for publication elsewhere.

Among the authors of scientific articles - over 140 academicians of NAS RK, more than 100 corresponding members of NAS RK and others.

The authors from near and far abroad collaborate with the journals. The popularity of these journals is evidenced by the fact that their authors are cited in international scientific journals ofRussia, theUSA, theUK, France and others.

On April 12, 2012 the Memorandum of cooperation with the Elsevier world's largest scientific publisher was signed by the Ministry of Education and Science and an opportunity to obtain extensive information resources and links to all scientific institutions in the country was provided. The Scopus international database during 2000-2012 actualized 4771 articles ofKazakhstanscientists. According to studies of the National Center of Scientific and Technical Information of Kazakhstan, JSC, they received 16247 references, ie, on average, each article was cited 3.41 times. Publication activity ofKazakhstanscientists has been steadily growing - from 2000 to 2012, this figure increased by 2.7 times.

The obtained results indicate a significant increase in research activity ofKazakhstanauthors and increase the share ofKazakhstanpublications in the global stream in 2011-2012. Comparison of the distribution ofKazakhstanpublications on the fields of knowledge in the general flow of publications indicates a significant excess of the share of disciplines such as physics and astronomy, chemistry, materials science, mathematics, Earth sciences, chemical technology and energy on shares of those in the general stream of publications around the world.

Over the last year the journal circulations increased in several times, and today they are large-circulation scientific journals of Kazakhstan, which are designed for the following audience: academicians, corresponding members, teaching staff of educational institutions, doctors and candidates of sciences, PhD, undergraduates, students, employees of government agencies; members of the legislature; employees of international organizations, representatives of business community operating in Kazakhstan; domestic and foreign research centers studying the socio-political and economic processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

On the websites of NAS RK: nauka-nanrk.kz, library.kz, rmebrk.kz/ electronic versions of journals are published. Materials published in scientific journals, found a wide response among readers not only inKazakhstanbut also in the near and far abroad. Today they are one of the most large-circulation and read inKazakhstan. The website of NAS RK, containing electronic versions of journals, compares favorably with other primarily by the fact that it with broad support of multimedia and social technologies underlies the problems affecting the scientific life of the country.

Currently, measures are being taken to give these journals international rating and inclusion in the Elsevier «Scopus» company, due to which the representatives of the company held seminars with the authors of these journals. The vast majority of published articles are presented in Russian and Kazakh languages.

In their activities the journals are guided by all program documents issued by the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Government and the Parliament of Kazakhstan, such as the Law of Kazakhstan "On Science", the "Kazakhstan-2050" Strategy, Message of the President of Kazakhstan to the nation, et al., which clearly reflect goals and objectives of the state and nation in the coming decades.

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